You make some very good points, but is an SME really going to make that kind of investment?
He should to be entirely safe. I was trying to bare bones this analysis in that as a minimum,
the components needed were highlighted. In deference to Paul, I think that the "numbers" especially
in the area of interface development are low. Fifty dollars per hour is about the cost of a
mid level and experienced programmer. An analyst or consultant is going to be more expensive that
that. I also assumed that the programmer would probably be a part time resource in that other
projects would cross his/her plate.
I think that "high availability" is an issue in anyone's system that is doing EDI today if they
want to be effective. You are right in that B2B just makes it an even higher priority.
-----Original Message-----
From: Catlin, Phil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: XML for EDI book: Any comments?
I have to disagree...
If anything Mark has left out some VERY significant expenses. Initiating B2B
commerce over the internet also assumes that you have established "high
availability" in your environment. I define high availability as being
up time on ALL components of your system. You also need to be staffed to
"high availability", someone on site or with dial in capability on call
This usually involves redundant components such as servers, network access
points, routers and disk arrays. Don't forget to include your legacy systems
here too! An enlightening question to ask your systems people is "How long do
we take for backups each night, and can users be in the (pick your application)
system during the backup?"
You can also be assured that most software is not capable of "high
in it's off the shelf configuration, and that making it highly available will
This isn't all bad, but I find it amusing every time I read how this will lower
the cost barriers for SME's. That red herring should be permanently retired!
Phil C
-----Original Message-----
From: "Wakelam Paul (RBAU/LOG)
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 8:07 PM
To: "EDI-L"
Subject: RE: XML for EDI book: Any comments?
Mark's costs seem high.
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