
Our shop currently uses Sterling Commerce as the VAN of choice,  however,
previously I worked for a shop that used AT&T.

My personal experience has been that AT&T provides better customer support,
specially after-hours, and is more reliable than Sterling.

During the 3 years that I worked with AT&T's VAN, our shop never experienced
unscheduled down-time and never had missing documents.  Also, based on
internal statistics kept from inbound FAs, 214s and 990s,  we knew our
trading partners were receiving their EDI messages in a timely manner,
including our inter-connect partners, and we never had issues receiving EDI
data.  Furthermore, on more than one occasion we had to contact AT&T
after-hours and had resolutions in less than 2 hours.  Below are 2
after-hour incidents that I remember:
    1) An inter-connect problem with outbound data to ADVANTIS.  Although
the problem really resided at ADVANTIS,  AT&T provided a work-around for us
in less than 2 hours.
    2)  An EDIFACT message being sent to a European partner, were a
particular ASCII character was not converting correctly, (trading partner
was receiving it as a non-ASCII character).  Within the hour, AT&T changed
the network used to move the message from our mailbox to theirs, and the
problem was resolved.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shannon Vaughan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 10:18 AM
> Subject:      Sterling Commerce and AT&T
> Hi all,
> I am looking for feedback from anyone who is using (or has used) Sterling
> Commerce and/or AT&T as their VAN. How reliable are they? How
> quickly/accurately do they respond to customer questions? How well do they
> compare against each other? etc. Whether you have praise for them or
> horror stories about them,  I'd like to hear your two cents worth.
> thanks in advance,
> Shannon Vaughan
> Programmer/EDI Analyst
> M.G.A. Inc.
> "The views, opinions, and judgments expressed in this message are solely
> those of the author.  The message contents have not been reviewed or
> approved by Movie Gallery."

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