Rachel wrote:
| Paul,
| I'm curious. By pap do you mean that the proof-of-concept didn't
| actually take place? or that it didn't work? of that the companies who


No, my only point was that the link in your message seemed to contain only
some very vague, flowery marketing bumph - I bailed out after a few

I happen to think XML will do extremely well - not necessarily as a
replacement for EDI but certainly in a myriad of other applications. The
fact is, standardized, self-describing documents are very powerful. In
addition to simply being displayed, they can be processed! As a programmer,
that is nirvana. In order for them to be processed we need standards.
Companies can relatively quickly set up internal standards and then take
advantage of XML tools to start reaping the benefits of Enterprise
Application Integration. Our particular beastie, inter-company standards,
will of course take much, much longer.

Now, one may say, "Standardized, self-describing documents" that's EDI. Why
do we need XML ? Good question and one that I much enjoy seeing the
technical merits debated. It is my belief that XML is dwarfing EDI simply
because XML is viewed as an Internet protocol, therefore it will become
ubiquitous, therefore tons of money will be invested by tons of companies.
Of course there will be major shakeouts and consolidation down the line but
the immediate effect is to have this tsunami washing ashore and leaving a
lot of things in its wake - including, perhaps, our beloved EDI.


        E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Voice Mail: (514) 957-8001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rachel Foerster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: ebXML Passes Critical Interoperability Milestone

| Paul,
| I'm curious. By pap do you mean that the proof-of-concept didn't
| actually take place? or that it didn't work? of that the companies who
| participated in it are bogus? of that the ebXML specifications that
| were used in the POC don't exist? Or, do you just not like anything to
| do with XML? or what?
| I don't believe that Ken intimated the ebXML POC was pap. He just did
| what he does extremely well....made a couple of cogent observations
| and then posed some very important questions and challenges that as
| yet have not been answered...and this is after a couple of years or
| more of posing these questions.
| So....how does your assertion of so much pap further any intelligent
| discussion as to pros/cons, what's real and what's bogus?
| Happy Holidays!
| Rachel
| For once I agree with Ken. That was so much pap ....
| Regards,
| Paul
|         E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  Voice Mail: (514) 957-8001
| ----- Original Message -----
| From: "Ken Steel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 3:50 AM
| Subject: Re: ebXML Passes Critical Interoperability Milestone
| | > Rachel Foerster wrote:
| | >
| | > [Image]
| | > To in San Francisco the ebXML initiative conducted a major
| | > proof-of-concept clearly demonstrating the interoperability of the
| | > framework specifications being developed.
| | >
| | > You can read the press releases about the details on this major
| | > milestone and information about the announcement for an early
| release
| | > of the ebXML framework specificiations at
| | > http://www.rfa-edi.com/ebxml_initiative.htm
| |
| |
| | All vendors and consultants, I note.
| |
| | Where are the end user testimonials?
| |
| | Is a report on a "test" by vested interests really a "proof of
| | concept"?  What was tested? What did it prove (omitting the hype)?
| |
| | Why call it a "major milestone"? Is it really any advance on the
| | euphemisms of the last 4 years? If so, please explain.
| |
| | Why not dump the rhetoric and put in a few details like where the
| | benefits are for end users?
| |
| |
| |
| | --
| | Ken Steel
| | ICARIS Services         Amsterdam - Melbourne
| | - Silicon Valley
| | Research results:       http://www.icaris.net/
| | Email:                          [EMAIL PROTECTED];
| |
| |
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