Rachel Foerster said:
> However, the 997 does give the originator much more information than just a
> simply delivery receipt....as you know. When used to its fullest extent it
> also reports on the syntactical compliance of the enclosed transactions and
> whether the receiver has accepted or rejected them for further processing.

And, as many of you will know, in practice the 997 reports the checking of
syntax not against the X12 standard but the Implementation Convention of
the trading partner doing the check.  This is widespread industry practice,
and most translators load a table of the IC before doing translation.

When you get a 997, then, it is important to know whether the check has
been performed against the bald standard alone (not always very useful) or
against a detailed IC.  This will often be a part of your trading partner
agreement.  Moreover, there are certain errors which translators can and
do easily detect which are technically unreportable in the 997 (or in
CONTRL either, for that matter); these are things like:

  o  you didn't send me enough of this (element/segment/loop)

  o  you sent to too many of this (element/segment/loop)

  o  I told you not to send me that optional element

  o  this code is not used in this context

  o  this data doesn't match the template '999-9999-99'

These are all static checks which are regularly performed by translators
today and reported using various error codes currently in the 997 code
set, thus lying wildly about the real meaning of the codes used.

X12 has recently thwarted an attempt to legitimise this practice by
altering the purpose and scope of the 997, and the UN/EDIFACT process
has similarly indicated that the JSWG will not accept any modifications
to CONTRL for the same purposes.  In X12, modifications have been made
to the 824 to allow full and detailed reporting of all these syntax
issues including full EDI-side location and description of the error
using the TED and CTX segments.  In EDIFACT, there is a MiD 'MIGRPT'
which can be used to report detailed compliance of a data message
against a message implementation guide.

Jonathan Allen             | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Voice: 01404-823670
Barum Computer Consultants |                             | Fax:   01404-823671

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