On 29 Apr 2001 09:06:15 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Zina
Taran) wrote:

>I believe, the thrust of the "fries" reply was the overcount in the
>5*4*3*..... response rather than an expression of culinary preferences.

I think he was referring to order, i.e., which item was first and then
second or vice versa.  Order is important in permutation problems, but
is not an issue in the condiment combination problem presented in the
initial post.  My point was that "fries" were not mentioned.  Had he
said he wanted  "ketchup THEN pickles NOT pickles then ketchup" all
would have been right with the world.   Possibly, my attempt at humor
in the response eluded you.  How any one likes their "Big Mac" is
beyond the scope of this newsgroup  :-))
>----- Original Message -----
>From: J. Williams <mackeral@remove~this~first~yahoo.com>
>Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2001 10:33 AM
>Subject: Re: Help me an idiot
>> On 29 Apr 2001 04:09:05 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Bohlman) wrote:
>> >"I wanted that with *fries* and *ketchup*!  *Not* ketchup and fries!"
>> We hear you, but fries were not included in the original
>> problem...only the 5 condiments.  But you're right, fries would be
>> good with that!  Order me one.   You could make this a really nice
>> little problem by adding in fries to the no. of possible combinations.
>> Put onion rings in the option list too.  With or without a shake would
>> be a nice touch too.  But, hey, why confuse this kid any more than
>> necessary?  He's got homework to do!  :-)))
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