
Example A is a mistaken interpretation of a confidence interval for a mean.
Unfortunately, this is is a very common misinterpretation.
What you have described in Example A is a _prediction_ interval for
an individual observation. Prediction intervals rarely get taught except
in the context of a regression model.


At 03:11 PM 9/26/01 -0400, you wrote:
>as a start, you could relate everyday examples where the notion of CI seems 
>to make sense
>A. you observe a friend in terms of his/her lateness when planning to meet 
>you somewhere ... over time, you take 'samples' of late values ... in a 
>sense you have means ... and then you form a rubric like ... for sam ... if 
>we plan on meeting at noon ... you can expect him at noon + or - 10 minutes 
>... you won't always be right but, maybe about 95% of the time you will?
>B. from real estate ads in a community, looking at sunday newspapers, you 
>find that several samples of average house prices for a 3 bedroom, 2 bath 
>place are certain values ... so, again, this is like have a bunch of means 
>... then, if someone asks you (visitor) about average prices of a bedroom, 
>2 bath house ... you might say ... 134,000 +/- 21,000 ... of course, you 
>won't always be right but .... perhaps about 95% of the time?
>but, more specifically, there are a number of things you can do
>1. students certainly have to know something about sampling error ... and 
>the notion of a sampling distribution
>2. they have to realize that when taking a sample, say using the sample 
>mean, that the mean they get could fall anywhere within that sampling 
>3. if we know something about #1 AND, we have a sample mean ... then, #1 
>sets sort of a limit on how far away the truth can be GIVEN that sample 
>mean or statistic ...
>4. thus, we use the statistics (ie, sample mean) and add and subtract some 
>error (based on #1) ... in such a way that we will be correct (in saying 
>that the parameter will fall within the CI) some % of the time ... say, 95%?
>it is easy to show this via simulation ... minitab for example can help you 
>do this
>here is an example ... let's say we are taking samples of size 100 from a 
>population of SAT M scores ... where we assume the mu is 500 and sigma is 
>100 ... i will take a 1000 SRS samples ... and summarize the results of 
>building 100 CIs
>MTB > rand 1000 c1-c100; <<< made 1000 rows ... and 100 columns ... each 
>ROW will be a sample
>SUBC> norm 500 100. <<< sampled from population with mu = 500 and sigma = 100
>MTB > rmean c1-c100 c101 <<< got means for 1000 samples and put in c101
>MTB > name c1='sampmean'
>MTB > let c102=c101-2*10  <<<< found lower point of 95% CI
>MTB > let c103=c101+2*10  <<<< found upper point of 95% CI
>MTB > name c102='lowerpt' c103='upperpt'
>MTB > let c104=(c102 lt 500) and (c103 gt 500)  <<< this evaluates if the 
>intervals capture 500 or not
>MTB > sum c104
>Sum of C104
>    Sum of C104 = 954.00   <<<< 954 of the 1000 intervals captured 500
>MTB > let k1=954/1000
>MTB > prin k1
>Data Display
>K1    0.954000  <<<< pretty close to 95%
>MTB > prin c102 c103 c104 <<<  a few of the 1000 intervals are shown below
>Data Display
>  Row   lowerpt   upperpt   C104
>    1   477.365   517.365      1
>    2   500.448   540.448      0  <<< here is one that missed 500 ...the 
>other 9 captured 500
>    3   480.304   520.304      1
>    4   480.457   520.457      1
>    5   485.006   525.006      1
>    6   479.585   519.585      1
>    7   480.382   520.382      1
>    8   481.189   521.189      1
>    9   486.166   526.166      1
>   10   494.388   534.388      1
>dennis roberts, educational psychology, penn state university
>208 cedar, AC 8148632401, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
>the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
----------------------------------------------- |           \
Jon Cryer, Professor Emeritus                  (             )
Dept. of Statistics \            \_University
 and Actuarial Science   office 319-335-0819     \         *   \of Iowa
The University of Iowa   home   319-351-4639      \            /Hawkeyes
Iowa City, IA 52242      FAX    319-335-3017       |__________ )
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"It ain't so much the things we don't know that get us into trouble. 
It's the things we do know that just ain't so." --Artemus Ward 

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the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

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