At 02:16 AM 9/29/01 +0000, John Jackson wrote:

>For any random inverval selected, there is a .05% probability that the
>sample will NOT yield an interval that yields the parameter being estimated
>and additonally such interval will not include any values in area
>represented by the left tail.  Can you make different statements about the
>left and right tail?

unless CIs work differently than i think ... about 1/2 the time the CI will 
miss to the right ... and 1/2 the time they will miss to the left ... thus, 
what if we labelled EACH CI with a tag called HIT ... or MISSleft ... or 
MISSright ... for 95% CIs ... the p of grabbing a CI that is HIT from all 
possible is about .95 ... the p for getting MISSleft PLUS MISSright is 
about .05 ... thus, about 1/2 of the .05 will be MISSleft and about 1/2 of 
the .05 will be MISSright

so, i don't see that you can say anything differentially important about 
one end or the other

>"Michael F." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > (Warren) wrote in message:
> >
> > > So, what is your best way to explain a CI?  How do you explain it
> > > without using some esoteric discussion of probability?
> >
> > I prefer to focus on the reliability of the estimate and say it is:
> >
> > "A range of values for an estimate that reflect its unreliability and
> > which contain the parameter of interest 95% of the time in the long run."
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dennis roberts, penn state university
educational psychology, 8148632401

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