At 07:33 AM 9/27/01 -0700, Warren wrote:

>Now, we take our sample mean and s.d. and we compute a CI.  We know
>we can't say anything about a probability for this single
>contains the mean or it doesn't.  So, what DOES a CI tell us?  Does it
>really give you a range of values where you think the parameter is?

most disciplines have various models for how they describe/explain/predict 
events and behaviors

in each of these, there are assumptions ... i don't see how we can get 
around that ... one must start from SOME point of reference (of course, 
some models make us start from much more stringent starting points than 

to me, in statistics, particularly of the inferential type, the biggest 
assumption that we make that is suspect is the one of SRS ... taking random 
samples ...

however, if we did NOT make some assumption about the data 
being  representative of the overall population ... which SRSing helps to 
insure ... what can we do? what inferences could we possibly make?

in the case of CIs ... no, you are not sure at all that the range you got 
in your CI encompasses the parameter but, what are the odds that it does 
NOT? generally, fairly small. (well, all bets are off if you like to build 
25% CIs!) so, under these conditions, is it not reasonably assured that the 
parameter IS inside there someplace? this does not pinpoint WHERE within it 
is but, it does tend to eliminate from the long number line on which the CI 
rests ... what values do NOT seem to be too feasible for the parameter

unfortunately, if you are interested in knowing something about some 
parameter and, have no way to identify each and every population element 
and "measure" it (of course, even then, how do you know that your measure 
is "pure"?)... you are necessarily left with making this inference based on 
the data you have ... i don't see any way out of this bind ... OTHER than 
trying as best possible to take a good sample ... of decent size (to reduce 
sampling error) ... and then trusting the results that you find

if there is another way, i would certainly like to know it

dennis roberts, educational psychology, penn state university
208 cedar, AC 8148632401, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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