Dear List Members,

I have missed some lectures on statistics due to heavy illness
and now i got an assignment which i cannot solve.
Please help me.
Below is assignment text:

Question 3
Manufacturers of Xeno fuel additive claim that their product increases fuel
efficiency by over 10%. A consumer representative organisation decides to
check this claim.
(a) Assuming that the consumer organisation is able to obtain 20 identical
cars for use in the experiment, draw a diagram outlining an appropriate
design for the experiment. What is this type of design called?
(b) Assuming that the consumer organisation is able to borrow 10 cars
of type A and 10 cars of type B for use in the experiment,
draw a diagram outlining an appropriate design for the experiment.
What is this type of design called?


Thank you very much for your help,



25 Nov, 2001

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