Of course the SD can be larger than the mean. If this were not so we
would not have the standard normal.......

If the variable can take negative values, the mean may be close to zero,
or even negative - while the SD has to be positive.

If the variable can not take negative values, it is still possible for
the SD to be larger than the mean, but the distribution will then be not


Edward Dreyer wrote:
> A colleague of mine - not a subscriber to this helpful list - asked me if
> it is possible for the standard deviation
> to be larger than the mean.  If so, under what conditions?
> At first blush I do not think so  --------- but then I believe I have seen
> some research results in which standard deviation was larger than the mean.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated..
> cheers....ECD
> ___________________________
> Edward C. Dreyer
> Political Science
> The University of Tulsa
> ________________________
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