Rich Ulrich wrote:

>I am not positive, but
>I think I would have objected to "equal % change"  
>as  =proportionate=  by the time I finished algebra in high school. 
>I know I have objected to similar confusion, on principled 
>grounds, since I learned about  Odds Ratios.
>I suspect that the original sample was small enough that 
>the apparent difference in ORs   was not impressive.
I too think that the odds ratio is the appropriate way to present the data, but
after looking at these results, I can appreciate why the Gallup organization
didn't do so.

The data on racial favorability ratings which Gallup called 'proportionate' not

GWBush favorability pre- and post-9/11
                 Pre-disaster    Post-disaster    OddsRatio
White (odds)     60% (1.5)         90% (9)          6
Black  (odds)     33% (0.49)       68% (2.1)      4.3

GHBush favorability pre- and post-Gulf War
                 Pre-disaster    Post-disaster    OddsRatio
White (odds)    64% (1.8)          90% (9)        5.1
Black  (odds)    33% (0.49)        70% (2.3)     4.7

Unless I'm missing something, a logistic regression analysis with disaster and
race coded as dummy variables with an interaction term (disaster x race) would
have a sign for the interaction coefficient indicating that the odds of white
favorability for Bush after a disaster increased more than the increase in
black favorability for Bush after a disaster. This is NOT what I'd expected
after looking at the raw percentages, which to me indicated a
disproproportionate increase in black favorability for the Bushes after

Gene Gallagher

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