[A few notes from someone who's doing exactly this in the neighbouring country of Vanuatu....]

Jonathan Carter wrote:

Which model Thinkpads are those, btw? Have they been sourced yet? I
would also suggest a laptop with a smaller display- since it would use
slightly less power. Slower hard disks will help too, and making sure
that the cpu scaling works is also important (Edubuntu should do it
fine, but just make sure).

Sorry I didn't reply earlier in this thread, I've been out on the islands myself for a little while....

Laptops can be a significant problem in remote areas, especially where turnaround times in repairs can sometimes be months. The Pipol Fastaem (People First) network in the Solomon Islands uses refurbished laptops, and treats them as more or less disposable commodities. One dies? No problem, Chuck it away and send another.

Dust, ants, heat, humidity, geckos, rats and people are all hazards where this hardware is concerned. Plan for very short life times, and ensure that the line of (re)supply is reliable.

Also laptops are, er, portable, which often encourages certain individuals in the village to bring it home for 'safe-keeping'. It's then kept so safe that no one ever sees it again. 8^/

Personally, I've been leaning toward refurbished Mac Minis. Price is reasonable relative to the quality of the components, and power consumption is about 20 watts per unit (plus monitor) - which means they can be run very efficiently off alternative power sources.

Populating the desktop is a key question, what should go there (I'm
leaning toward home directory, gcompris, tux-math, openoffice.org)

In practice, new users have very few problems finding their way around Ubuntu. The real obstacle is people who think computer == Windows(!). Making a few UI concessions based on that assumption will help smoothe the 'transition'.

From what you've explained, there'll be a high user to laptop ratio in
the areas these laptops will go into. I think it's likely that the
productivity tools will be high in demand, OpenOffice will probably be
quite highly utilised.

Our experience is:

1) Email/Webmail
2) Web
3) Music/Video
4) Word processing

[... big gap ...]
5) Spreadsheet
6) Graphics (See below)

The reasons for this are fairly straightforward. The promise of broadened and improved communications in an island environment (where mobility often equals opportunity) is universally compelling. Task automation is also seductive, but experience and sophistication with computers is limited, so every task consists of 'writing a letter' or 'writing a public notice', etc. In other words, the analog/paper world pervades modes of thought.

Something like Scribus might be of importance for
community newsletters, etc. I would also include Inkscape, and of
course, some documentation/turorials for all these packages.

Our experience is that these two are very rarely used spontaneously. You might need to provide significant training to assist with building the spatial cognition skills that software like this sometimes requires.

As a general rule. Documentation is mostly ignored in Vanuatu, no matter its quality and the degree to which users are encouraged to use it. Learning is mostly oral/visual/ostensive here, and literacy levels are often very low. We've found peer learning is the best resource. Show a few people how to do things, and then sit them down, two to a computer, with their friends.

I don't
know what the mandate of the sponsor is, but if the communities have
full autonomy over the use, I would assume that they'll address their
primary ICT needs first. Will they have cell phones with GPRS
connectivity? (that would be fantastic)

Internet is not bad at all in Fiji, at least on the main islands. They're on the Southern Cross fibre network. I suspect that all bets are off in the outer islands, though. For reference, Vanuatu has 19 Mb total for all voice and data, and Papua New Guinea has 10 (for a population of several million!).

I'm a bit concerned that the well meaning folks who've proposed this
donation haven't thought through how to really make use of the
resources we're handing out.   I'm hoping they have, but given my
rather vague marching orders...

I'm afraid that's generally the case, from the highest levels right down to good-hearted people who pack boxes and pay for shipping themselves. I've spent two and half years trying to frame what ICT is all about in Vanuatu, and I'm only just starting to get traction. It's really frustrating sometimes seeing a dozen computers come off the ship and knowing that they'll all be dead or stolen (or both) within 6 months.

Worst case maybe I'll need to fly out to Fiji to run additional
training, there are worse things.

Training to new users in administrative support for computers in remote locations has been found to take between 3-6 months per person. I can't overstate the importance of this training, too. Where possible, train redundantly. Try to train 3 people for every position. On any given day, one will be away (or discomposed), and one will be sick.

Most of the problems encountered with computers in rural areas of Vanuatu are support-related, generally linked to little or no troubleshooting skills. I've taken a 3 pronged approach to coping with this:

1) Two-day troubleshooting workshop for *every* computer user. Compulsory.

2) Intensive training in simple repair and maintenance procedures for a few selected people who have demonstrated particular aptitude and interest in computers. Usually, these people are selected from the workshops.

3) Cultivation and nourishment of the local IT community, with significant effort invested in instilling a sense of community spirit and peer support. (Note that this runs counter to common notions about learning and wisdom in Melanesia.)

Happy to chat at more length if you think it might be useful.


IT Consultant
Community Communications Project

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