Susan Stewart wrote:
Hi Simón!  I grew up in Illinois, on the Indiana border (your schools
are now besting Illinois in yet another area!), and I would LOVE it if
you would blog about this whole experience.  I'll happily provide you
the web space if you need it.  I moved away, but I still visit the area
often, and my mom is a public school teacher in Illinois.  I would love
for her and others to be able to read about what you're doing.

Soon we'll have a server set up, co-located outside our corporate network, where I'll hopefully be able to maintain a site--probably with a repository of documentation (maybe a wiki) and a blog--about our implementation. I especially want to kick-start communication with the other Indiana schools involved in this particular grant, as they're mostly working with the same hardware we're working with, but any and all participation will be welcome.

I'll certainly post a message on this list when I get started with that, for anyone that might be interested.

I have almost no experience with LDAP, however I know who I'd ask if I
needed help with it.  If I have your permission to give your email
address to one or two people, I think I can find you some help.

Please! I appreciate any help I can get on this or any front.

As for having a "real Linux support person" I think that you are well on
your way to being all the school could ask for!  Please, please, please
write about this somewhere.

Thank you, I take that as a compliment.

I'll write what I can, and make it public when I have the chance. I'll let you know when that is.


Thank you for your reply, Susan!

 (   )   Peace, Paz, Paix, Shanti, Mir, Shalom and Salaam
  \ /
>=-Y-=<                  Simón A. Ruiz
   |                    Technology Aide
   |              Bloomington High School North

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