I have been using the KAT100 for about 7 months and it was flawless.  
A few days ago I was operating and the electronic air cleaner on my furnace 
"sparked" and must have caused a spike.  That spark tripped out the power 
supply to the K2.  I have a separate supply for the KAT100.  After resetting 
the supply (and putting it on a surge protector) and  trying to use the KAT100 
to tune my antenna (an 80 meter doublet I use on all bands) the tuner would not 
match the antenna like before.  It used to smoothly step through the process 
with all the relay clicking away to quickly find a match.  Now it sounds like 
it is all mixed up switching erratically.  On 20 meters I can get a match on 
low power then turn the power up and the SWR increases as the power increases.

All of the relays seem to be switching. 

Anyone have any hints as to how to trouble shoot this problem?

Pat W8FV
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