Don wrote: 
What I found is that as long as the BFO is positioned so that any part of 
the passband contains the sidetone pitch frequency (as observed on 
Spectrogram), the transmit frequency will be equal to the frequency of a CW 
signal being received AT an audio tone EQUAL to the sidetone pitch.  So wide

filters are OK, and you can position them most anywhere within reason - it 
will not change the transmit frequency.

Wayne has done some fancy stuff with frequency control in the firmware!!! 
and it works.

The paper is called "A Detailed Example of the Mechanics Behind Cal FIL" 

I think it's still on the Elecraft web site. 

The short form is this: When you change the BFO frequency in CAL FIL, the K2
automatically changes the local oscillator frequency to preserve the pitch. 

The effect is similar to "passband tuning" in that the passband of the
filter seems to move around a fixed pitch frequency when you change the BFO


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