On Mon, 2004-06-12 at 21:23 -0500, W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:
> What I found is that as long as the BFO is positioned so that any part of 
> the passband contains the sidetone pitch frequency (as observed on 
> Spectrogram), the transmit frequency will be equal to the frequency of a CW 
> signal being received AT an audio tone EQUAL to the sidetone pitch.  So wide 
> filters are OK, and you can position them most anywhere within reason - it 
> will not change the transmit frequency.
> Wayne has done some fancy stuff with frequency control in the firmware!!! 
> and it works.

Now if only the sidetone pitch could be changed without having to redo
the filter calibration... I like to change the sidetone pitch
occasionally when I'm on the air for long periods as I find my ears tend
to get less "tired" that way. I can't do that with the K2 without
recalibrating the filters.

73, Brian

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