Hello Elecrafters.  My name is Ron Hauser, and I'm a new ham, KC0TLN.  I got
licensed in November, got a radio at christmas time, and have been enjoying
the new hobby quite a lot.  I currently have an ICOM 706mk2g as a "first
radio," I've been using it in the shack for a few months now.  However, my
plan when I bought the 706 was to eventually put it in my van to use mobile.
I'm planning to start work on the mobile installation as soon as the weather
warms up (hopefully pretty soon!).  I know that when I put the radio in my
van, I'll want another radio in the shack.  So I've been looking around,
thinking about what my second radio will be.

There is a lot of positive talk about the quality of the K2.  I have done
some SSB, and still do, but I've been bitten hard by the CW bug.  The
glowing recommendations that the K2 garners from CW operators are what
brought me to look at it.  I looked around quite a bit on the website, and
have been following along on this list for a bit.  I have just one
problem... I'm much more of a pipe-wrench kind of guy that a soldering-iron
kind of guy.  While I've put up some antennas and soldered some UHF
connectors, I don't have the temperament to sit down at a bench and build an
electronic device.  After reading around, I see that there is quite a group
of builders who enjoy the work, who have honed their skills, and who
sometimes build for others.  I would much rather develop a relationship with
a skilled builder, than try to match their skills.  I might someday achieve
a level of competence in electronic building, but with kid, significant
other, work, etc., I'm not going to have the time to build up that skill set
anytime soon.

In addition, I like the idea of supporting the traditions of ham radio by
patronizing kit makers and kit builders, rather than appliance
manufacturers.  (I like my appliance just fine, it was the perfect first
radio for me, but I'd like to support the kitbuilding side of the hobby).
Thus I would like comments from people who might consider building a radio
for me.

If this topic is not appropriate for this list, please accept my apologies.


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