Eric J wrote:
There is a "cone of protection", they say, around a high point with an angle of 45 degrees. I wouldn't tempt it myself. However, I'm near the base of a 1900' peak and I've watched lightning hit the peak, but have never seen lightning anywhere near the area surrounding the peak. I believe in the theory, but still...

There's still this thing called INDUCTANCE, and I've not done the maths, but 25 kiloAmps (there's a unit you don't often use!) in one "wire", maybe 100m away from the wire connected to your rig...

The web has figures around 500 GW. Would you let someone transmit that kinda power into a 3 mile antenna within a mile of your expensive kit? No thanks!

"Nosey" Nick Waterman, Senior Sysadmin.
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