Tektronix 475, baby! The 465 is OK, and the 485 a real 400MHz work of analog scope art I hope to own someday. Then if you're really serious you have a 7000-series mainframe and a lot of plugins hehe.

A really good tutorial on scopes is Tektronix's The XYZ's Of Using A Scope which they used to give out, now you can download it from the net and the recent versions have a bunch of stupid stuff about their digital scopes - they tell such beautiful lies, stick to analog.

73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jan 23, 2006, at 7:06 PM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

Jim, AB4CZ gave you an excellent summary.

If you think you'd like to use the 'scope for general bench work to look at
waveforms, etc., on HF gear, then look for one with at least a 200 MHz
bandwidth. ...........If you try to observe signals on a narrower bandwidth oscilloscope, the
higher-frequency information is simply lost.....
At today's Hamfest prices, the price difference between a basic waveform
monitor and a good general purpose scope is often small....,

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