Alex NS6Y wrote:

Tektronix 475, baby! The 465 is OK, and the 485 a real 400MHz work of 
analog scope art I hope to own someday...


Yep, Tek scopes are the most popular and they are very good. In the 1970's
when I was running a television production studio we had to smuggle in our
Tek waveform monitors because the facility was owned by Hewlett-Packard! 

Hewlett-Packard scopes are also EXCELLENT instruments though - at least
their general-purpose lab scopes, which is what I was talking about here.
When I was working in various labs I liked Tek scopes primarily because of
their extreme flexibility, thanks to all of those expensive plug-ins <G>,
and because they carefully kept the control layout much the same from model
to model. Grab that big knob over there and it was always the time base
control, no matter which Tek scope you were using. 

HP wasn't so consistent with their panel layouts and they don't have all the
swappable plug-ins that Tek used. However, HP made its name as a lab
instrument company for almost 40 years before they touched the computer
business in the 1970's with world-class lab gear. One advantage of their
'scopes for the Ham today is that they are often a lot cheaper than the Tek
scopes, feature for feature and per megacycle of bandwidth simple because
the Tek scopes are so popular.

I have an HP1740 sitting on my bench that was built in the 1970's. It's an
analog scope, which I prefer, and it's still tickin' like the day it was
built, almost 40 years later!


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