Southpaw means Left Handed (That's the hand to use, well, never mind).

B'er means I send iambic mode B. I can't make A work at all. It leaves out
elements I intend. I don't know what all the fuss about "extra" dits from
the dah paddle is all about. The timing is simply different for completing
what you are doing when you quit doing it. Different and Bad are two
distinct concepts (tell that to a racist).

I believe B is more prevalent than A, but someone who's learned A will have
a great deal of difficulty with B, and vice versa. I guess I learned on B -
I KNOW I learned on a Heathkit HD-1410.

I also think the K2 defaults to A, and I thought I'd lost my mind (or fist,
at least) when I first tried to use it. Luckily, I didn't fight that fight
very long. I found the menu setting to change.

In any case, there is an excellent comparison of the two, with timing
diagrams, referred to somewhere in the archives of this reflector. Might be
interesting reading if you haven't learned one or the other already.

The fru-fru is about character completion. If I want to send a C, as in CQ,
I squeeze the paddles. I'll be sure the dah paddle closes first and since
I'm holding both, the keyer will send dahdidahdidahdidahdidahdit until I let
go. I let go OF BOTH paddles during the second dah. Character completion
sends another dit and the C is complete.

I believe the A camp has to hold both paddles (or only the dit on - doesn't
matter) until the final dit begins, and then let go.

My addled brain can "let go of both" during a dah at three times the speed
it can manage to "let go of both" during a dit. So, I'm a B'er.

Another thing which makes Iambic keying shine, is element insertion. I
believe it's the same in both (if there's a difference, it's going to be
WHEN you do the insertion, not IF you can do the insertion). To send a Q,
you mash the dah paddle and hold it until the character is complete. During
the second dah, dab at the dit paddle. Between the second and third dah, the
keyer will stick in one dit, making the Q perfect.

So, CQ is
  squeeze (dah-first)

  insert a dit
  release (dah)

in both modes. But the timing is what is different.

Clear as mud?

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

Thanks Dan. By the way what is a Southpaw B'er? And we must have purchased
our K2's within days. My serial number is 2444.

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