Well, that isn't iambic, so maybe it won't matter. You should try squeeze
keying some time. Dial it back to 9 wpm and really pay attention to what
it's doing while you try to minimize what you are doing with your fingers.
You'll send faster, and with less fatigue. Also, the key will stay in one
place on the operating table<g>.

I'm sure, slapper or not, you make use of some of the keyer logic, such that
an N is dah paddle, dit paddle, with both of them made and broken before the
first element is complete. It's only natural.

You probably do:

dah   dah  dit   dit
close open close open

while the keyer does:

daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah        diiiiiit

whereas I probably do:

dah   dit   release
close close both

while the keyer does:

daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah        diiiiiit

Not a lot of difference in effort or the keyer results. The only big deal is
on the "interesting" (from the point of view of Iambic) characters: C, F, K,
L, Q, R, Y, and period.

Do you really smack it four times to make an F?



Well, I'm left handed, but I send right-handed so I can still write.
And, I'm part of the group (generally OT's) that just slap the paddles
back and forth since my first "paddle" was a modified Lionel J-36.  I
will check and see which mode I'm using as soon as I find it in the K2
menu.  I suspect it doesn't matter.

Fred K6DGW

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