Additionally, newer production K2s also include back-to-back diodes (1N4148) across the RX antenna input, actually across pins 4 & 6 of U12 on the RF board. These diodes do a great job of protecting the K2 from very strong nearby transmitters.

I'd doubt that you might need too much more.

When I was field testing this mod prior to its being accepted, I had the K2 connected to my 80/40/30 triple-wire inv-V which is situated 3' below my tribander, and I transmitted with a KW into the tribander and received on the K2 with no damage to the K2's front end, or to any other of the RF stages.


Tom   N0SS

At 06:15 PM 2/8/2006, Augie (Gus) Hansen wrote:
On 2/8/06 3:14 PM, "Gil Stacy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have seen advertised front end protectors recommended for use when
> utiilzing a separate antenna for receive.  Does the K2's RANT option on the
> 160 board offer sufficient protection for use with a separate preamp and RX
> antenna or is it prudent to use a front end protector such as designed by
> KD9SV?
> Thanks,

The K2 is the only current production HF transceiver that I know of that has
the "front-end saver" built in. The RECEIVE ANTENNA RELAY, K2 on the K160RX
board, disconnects the RX antenna during transmissions. If you're running a
standalone station, no problem.

In an SO2R or other multi-station contest environment (or if you have a "big
gun" station next door), you will probably need to take additional
protective measures. Your best bet is to get a copy of "Managing
Interstation Interference" by W2VJN (George of INRAD fame). He does a great
job of describing the problems and solutions.

Gus Hansen, KB0YH

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