
I beleive you are asking about an Amp Keying line for the basic K2 --
Take a look at the AMP keying partial kit from Elecraft and also look at Tom
Hammond's website for an updated version - I believe Elecraft
will be adopting Tom's improved Amp Keying circuit for the K2, but I don't
know that with any degree of certainty - I am not an 'insider' for such
Elecraft business decisions.  I do know that Tom's circuit works FB.

OTOH, if you are asking about a CW 'PTT' input to the K2 to interrupt keying
until an external PTT signal is present, take a look at my website article on CW PTT for the K2.  This circuit will
prevent keying the K2 until an 'OK to transmit' signal is received from a
sequencer or footswitch - works great for the VHF crowd that needs to delay
the RF output until all switching is ready for RF or for those who have
amplifiers with slow T/R switching.


> -----Original Message-----
> Anybody have any good ideas about where to connect to the K2
> circuitry to pick off a PTT low keying line.  The K2/100 has this
> available on the back panel, but the QRP version doesn't.  Any
> ideas?  Any curent limitations?
> Bill,  W7QQ

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