Keep it simple? Like a crystal radio?

On my KX3 I want a full heads-up display. It should have virtual
reality goggles tied to Google Earth so I can fly to your
neighborhood, check out your antenna farm and make recommendations for
improvements. I want to visualize the path my radio waves take to get
to the DX I want and be able to tweak the ionosphere for maximum S/N
at the distant end. Ideally I should have control of the DX station's
rotator. Every time I make contact with someone I want to see a 3D
starfield fly by to give me the impression of actually going
somewhere. And I want it all done in fluorescent orange and black.

Actually, it's kind of nice to get a refresh every so often. The thing
is, if there were some sort of front panel updates it really wouldn't
affect all those who currently have a radio, right? Not like our radio
is going to morph over night or anything.

Kev K4VD

On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 8:26 PM, Don Wilhelm <> wrote:
> I have to agree, "the kiss principle" Keep is simple stupid - works every
> time.
> While 'glitsy' displays are pretty to watch, they often do not convey
> relevant information, or that information is buried in the 'glitz' and not
> easily recognized at a glance.
> The K3, KX3, KX2 displays show the VFO frequency as the predominate display
> with the VFO B as a slightly lesser predominance.  Other functions are
> indicated to tell you what is going on.  Everything needed is there.
> I have to contrast that to some of the displays I see on my tablet.  I have
> to hunt around the display to find the item of interest.
> Touchscreen - no thanks - I would need a stylus and not all stylus touches
> produce the desired action (if my tablet is any example).  That uncertainty
> is not something I need in a radio.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> On 5/30/2017 8:08 PM, Roger Meadows wrote:
>> When I worked in industrial automation the graphics on the control
>> stations displays were getting fancier and fancier. The fancier they got,
>> the more cluttered than got. Then, the industry as a whole started noting
>> that more accidents were happening and missed alarms. They, because the
>> displays were to cutsie.
>> What then happened over the next few years and is standard now is very
>> plain graphics and displays so information does not get lost in the clutter.
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