As I said before, I DO NOT want to install an
hf amplifier INSIDE my K2.   A nice outboard amp
would suit me.  What are my small HF AMP
choices, in the 100/200W PEP ranges?

- HF Packer @ 35amp - hardly enough DB gain.
- Tokoyo 100W - a bit illegal to buy
- HF SuperPro 100W - if it becomes available
- ?

The FCC, and probably the 11m CB'ers, haven't made
this easy.

So a nice 100 or 200W PEP amp, for me, would be
a good addition on the desk space next to my
soon-to-be-aligned K2 # 5422.

I've lived thru the AM, SSB, Tubes, "solid state"
days.  Got my EE degree and worked in the field
30 years.  Worked in many MANY microelectronics
fab and design groups.  I'm quite sure I know
more about CMOS, bipolar and analog IC design/fab/test
- than I do about Tube technology.

Its a reality - that there are few FEW IC designers
out there - who understand RF.  And only recently
have they begun to worry about R/L/C's (strays
& parasitics) - in their chip/device layouts &
designs.  Sub-micron has made this a designer's

I do not understand the design constraints of
creating a linear HF amplifier.  All I know is
the tube amps of a generation back, along with
the 2006 tube maxi amps (KWatt) of today - all seem
to have relatively simple circuits.  

Intuition tells me - a 6146 TUBE amp box, designed
right, powered right - would be a very useful
amplifier addition - and would earn respect to
those who heard it on the bands.  What's to knock?
And I have to believe it could be relatively

As a list member of several IC-7000 and IC-706MKIIG
BB groups - these hams regularly complain about
solid state final problems in these 2006 rigs.
Icom's lack of replacement devices, mysterious
problems, failures, $300 replacement Icom service
charges .... "heat" problems, are all common topics on
these boards.   In all, over past 10 years I've
owned (3) IC-706MKIIG's, and (1) IC-7000 (winter
2005 when they came out).

But alas - I like the smell of solder, like to 
build things with my hands.  And my intuition
usually serves me well.

Anyone out there - think a 200Watt PEP tube
6146 amplifier - would cut it with a K2?  
Why?  Why not?  

Why couldn't Elecraft, design and market one?

I'll leave the "Product Ideas" arena - too much
what-if I suspect.  I guess I'm also a poor
QRP'er candidate.

73's, Fred, N3CSY

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