Automatic noise cancelling microphone *systems* for consumer devices
typically involve 3 carefully placed DMIC's (digital microphones) and a lot
of DSP.    73 de AI6KG

On Sun, Aug 5, 2018 at 2:09 PM, Jim Brown <> wrote:

> On 8/5/2018 10:48 AM, ANDY DURBIN wrote:
>> Many/most aviation headsets use noise cancelling microphones but they are
>> not active.  They simply sample most of the voice signal on the mouth side
>> of the element and most of the noise on both sides of the element.
>> Effective noise cancellation requires the microphone to be close to the
>> lips.
> Not quite -- it's the cancellation of the output of two closely spaced mic
> capsules, and as you describe operation, it depends on the mic being right
> at the lips. This is the proper definition of a noise cancelling
> microphone. Noise cancelling microphones tend to sound varying degrees of
> awful. Many years ago, Shure, one of the better mic mfrs, tried to build a
> noise cancelling mic aimed at drummers. I tested a prototype in a high
> quality recording setup, and it sounded pretty bad. They never marketed it.
> Note that this definition is VERY different from a cardioid microphone,
> where a single capsule as two openings, one from the front and one from the
> rear, and the two types behave VERY differently.  Cardioid mics have a
> property called "proximity effect" which boosts bass response when the mic
> is very close to the sound source, making it sound rather muddy. When mics
> like this are used for singers and speech, their low frequency response is
> heavily rolled off. In some mics the rolloff is built in (the Shure SM57
> and SM58 are examples), in some it is built in but switchable (the Shure
> SM81 is an example), while in others it is not built in, but applied in the
> mixer for sound reinforecment or recording.
> I mention this because many mfrs of headset mics falsely describe their
> cardioid mic as noise cancelling, which it is NOT. It IS a directional mic
> that rejects sound coming from directions other than the front.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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