I don't think Wayne and Eric necessarily need my thoughts on their
business plan...they seem to be doing quite well as it is.  However, my
two bits on future is that I would rather see a few, elegant projects
than a project for every interest.  What Elecraft has done well is to
focus on the "elegant" portion of design, from the perspective that
designs are elegant when they are simple and highly effective.  This
generally means focusing on performance and simplifying interfaces.  It
takes a lot of engineering (and cost) to create fancy interfaces that do
not improve basic performance of the receiver, transceiver or test

So, I think the mini-modules are good ideas, but test equipment in
general is not.  As a practical matter, you can buy extremely good used
test equipment at a fraction of the original price if you want to go in
that direction.  (Ask my xyl whether it is possible for someone to buy
lots of used test equipment...)  I seriously doubt you could build an
oscilloscope kit that rivals either the Tek 7000 series or the Tek
portables for anywhere near their current prices.  Ditto for signal
generators if you include wide coverage, modulation options, precision
output and frequency control.  And then there is the calibration

And while I will continue to buy Elecraft gear (if there is a K3, I'm a
clear candidate), I also think that it is good for the amateur community
to have a variety of quality products/kits available.  If you are
interested in an swr/vector power meter, look at the LP-100 that is just
being released.  There are also some nice kits available if you are
happy with surface mount.  (Actually, I find surface mount to be pretty
straight forward, even with my 54 year old eyes and would like to have
had my KX-1 as a surface mount kit.)  I'm also quite impressed with the
Buddipole products carried by Elecraft, as well.  So, I like the
approach of Elecraft working on core projects and supporting related
projects by other designers and manufacturers.  (Buddipole, Heil)

>From my perspective, I would like to see Elecraft address performance
issues in the K2, such as the SSB board, noise blanker, and the birdies,
especially in the K2/100.  I'm looking into quieting the audio on the
K2, which may turn out to be useful.  The user interface could also use
improvement so that it doesn't require remembering button press
sequences and remembers settings across bands.  A slave receiver based
on the K2 would also be an interesting project.  I'm also probably going
to build a small linear for the KX-1 because I get very frustrated
listening to people who don't answer...  But I think that may be a


1)      Elecraft is great.
2)      But the amateur community needs more than one option
3)      Elecraft should stick to "elegant" gear
4)      And support quality related products

Ok, it was 4 bits.

Howard Ashcraft, W1WF

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred (FL) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 5:19 AM
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [Elecraft] Ideas - new Elecraft Products

K2/K1 Owner-builders

I posted a "Elecraft New Product Ideas" email last week - which received
mixed responses - "good", "old stuff", "too difficult for Elecraft",
"done that ....", "won't work", etc.

I think Elecraft is a great ham company.  And as every builder knows -
their support to us the ham community - is superb!  And their quality of
products and kits is excellent and higher.

I'd suggest, we K1/K2 builders - continue to send in "product ideas" to
Elecraft, via this email list - and let Elecraft Management know, what
product ideas we'd like to see and what product ideas might help us in
our amateur endeavors.  We might be surprised, and see some of them come
to reality.  If they have to hire another designer & tech or two, so be

If you like the product(s) which Elecraft now markets and sells - I
myself, would like to continue to buy my next products from them too.
Frankly I've never been fully satisfied with MFJ items - for some reason
many of them look aluminish and of poorer quality.


My Kits - short list 5/23/2006:
- outboard RF OUTPUT METER Indicator (in-line)
- inboard RF OUTPUT INDICATOR (panel, neon/eye)
- outboard POWER METER (ala Birdy), w/SWR option
- poor man's 6146 200w PEP outboard TUBE AMPLIFIER
    (relive your youth) (FCC ham-project form)
- matching Elecraft 6146 AMP POWER SUPPLY
- 200w match-anything TUNER (coils, meters, R/L/C's)
- a HF K3 TRANSCEIVER, with general coverage, 2  
    meter, 440, and bigger footprint & displays
- an Elecraft K2/K3 MOBILE MIKE, w/up-down, functions
- an Elecraft quality, HEADPHONE set, K1/K2/K3
- a couple HF porta-ANTENNAs, back pack carryable
- a "hide-able" HF ANTENNA (gutter?, bush?)
- Elecraft Mobile VERTICAL ANTENNA (hf, tuneable)
- Elecraft SCOPE for alignment jobs
- Elecraft SIGNAL GENERATOR, for alignment jobs

Thanks, 73's
Fred N3CSY
FL/upstate NY

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