My only antenna currently here at the home QTH is an HF2V vertical
which does great for long haul DX on 40 and 80 but in general is not
good for local or regional work.  I just launched some monofilament
over the only high branch in my yard at 50'.

As I only have a single support, I'm looking at some suggestions on
constructing a multiband vee wire antenna but have limited materials
on hand and even more limited $$ to go out an buy stuff at the moment.

Here is what I have in the junk box:

75' of RG213
~30' of solid conductor commercial ladder line
~800' of 14ga stranded insulated THN wire
Assortment of dog-bone style insulators
Wide assortment of PVC and nuts/bolts

What can I do with the above and the internal tuner in my K1 without
going out and buying anything?  Ideally, I'd like something that will
load well on 80/40/30/20/15 but will settle for 40-15.

Anyone have any ideas?


JT Croteau - W6FO - Canton, GA | K1 #292
ARS #2,147 | NoGA-QRP | SEDXC | ARRL
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