I certainly use the clock on my K3S. It is UTC while the computer is
local time. The computer syncs to NTP servers. The K3 Utility makes
it easy to update the clock as needed.
I am very careful what and how I connect things to the internet. I will
never have any of those things, Alexa or Siri or the like, that one
talks to that turns on lights or plays music.
I've a friend that presently writes code for security matters. He says
he can hack into most of the computers on line. He writes code to
prevent these types of occurrences for his clients. One of which is
the US Government and Military. Other projects are to assure
conference rooms do not contain "bugs". SDR receivers are great for
this application. And another is weapons guidance systems and related
anti-jamming code. I'll take his advice and be careful what I connect
to the internet.
Bob, K4TAX
On 10/18/2019 6:54 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:
Chuck and all,
How many actually use the clock in the K3, K3S, KX3 or KX2?
I certainly don't. In the case of the KX3 it is used to time the
charging of the internal batteries - good use.
I can see a ham without a watch or cell phone to want the rig to
display the time for logging, but for me, my good old Timex on my
wrist tells me what time to log. The clock in my KX3 is more
difficult to access than simply glancing at my wrist!
I have never even set the clock in my K3 or KX3! Nor do I feel a need
to do so.
As far as the K4 Linux software/firmware being internet connected, I
have my reservations about that. I have enough stuff connected to the
internet, and someone will have to demonstrate the benefit of my ham
radio being connected to the internet in addition to my computers.
If connection of the K4 to the internet is to be done, I have concerns
about security and personal privacy. Even Linux is subject to bad
stuff from the internet - it is not entirely secure, it is just that
the number of users is small compared to other OS versions and hackers
just do not bother for most cases.
When my refrigerator or microwave begins to listen in to my
conversations, I begin to worry about the BIG Brother consequences.
BTW, I do not have an Alexa or Siri device for those security reasons.
I can easily use a switch on the wall to operate a light switch and it
is secure. I can turn on my home theater or my computer AV application
when I want to hear music or view videos.
Call me old-fashioned, but I like to have control of my environment.
The Internet Of Things seems to be fraught with exposures and dangers
that I am not willing to accept.
On 10/18/2019 2:03 PM, hawley, charles j jr wrote:
Is a more accurate clock possible? I imagine that depends on
available chips but it’s a common topic.
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