How about a Kenwood TH-F6A? It fits your price point, has CW and SSB coverage, and receives 0.1-1300MHz, and supports RS232 control so you can use it for your computer control. Plus when you aren't using it as a station monitor, you can use it on 2/1.25/70cm TX.
On Mon, 31 Jul 2006 12:25 pm, Darwin, Keith wrote:
So how about another idea.  I want a separate receiver in the shack.
Something to use as a backup.  Something I can use to monitor my the TX
signal from my K2 so I can hear what it is really doing. Features would

- Medium size or larger controls.
- General coverage SW receive (1.5 - 30 MHz)
- 1 KHz display resolution.
- Low noise, great sound so you can really tell what your TX signal
sounds like.
- AM / SSB / CW coverage
- wide / medium / narrow filters
- Low cost ($300)

Nice to have includes

- Analog S-Meter.
- Memories
- IF shift
- External mute
- Fast / Slow / Off AGC speeds
- RF gain control
- Synchronous AGC

I guess I'm looking for a modern Drake 2B / R-4B but with full coverage.

- Keith KD1E -
- K2 5411 -
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