In a message dated 7/31/06 3:25:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> We all want a K2-B (K2 with big knobs & display) and I'm sure Elecraft
> Engineering is working on it as we speak.

Well, some of us want one (I suggest the name K2Big). But I don't know that 
the folks in Aptos are working on it, because the market may not be there for 
> So how about another idea.  I want a separate receiver in the shack.
> Something to use as a backup.  Something I can use to monitor my the TX
> signal from my K2 so I can hear what it is really doing.  Features would
> include:
> - Medium size or larger controls.

How big is that? To me, "medium size" means 1" diameter for most controls and 
2-3" for tuning.

> - General coverage SW receive (1.5 - 30 MHz)

That's a problem - see below.

> - 1 KHz display resolution.

Not a problem, really.

> - Low noise, great sound so you can really tell what your TX signal
> sounds like.

The problem is that there's a conflict between that and the general 
coverage/low cost criteria.

The usual way to get general coverage these days is to convert up to a first 
IF around 70 MHz, then convert down to a second IF of 9 MHz or so. This 
approach preduces spurs and similar problems. 

The problem is that you have at least two stages before the serious 
selectivity, and the demands on the synthesizer are much tougher. The K2 avoids 
problems with a unique synthesizer design and a single IF of 4.915 MHz. That 
approach works great for the ham bands but isn't well adapted to the ham bands. 

> - AM / SSB / CW coverage
> - wide / medium / narrow filters

That means separate filters, and a way to switch them. Not inexpensive.

> - Low cost ($300)

If anybody can do it, Elecraft can. But it may not be doable at all. 

Consider a K2 with the transmitter section removed. You'd save the finals, a 
mixer, some control circuitry, and a few other things. But would you save half 
the cost of the rig? I doubt it.

> Nice to have includes
> - Analog S-Meter.
> - Memories
> - IF shift

IF shift is rather complicated to implement. Either you need another 
conversion in the IF chain, or some way of moving the BFO one way while moving 
synthesizer  the other way exactly the same amount. Not easy!

> - External mute
> - Fast / Slow / Off AGC speeds
> - RF gain control
All pretty basic - why would they be extras? I say they were essentials.

> - Synchronous AGC

?? What is synchronous AGC?

> I guess I'm looking for a modern Drake 2B / R-4B but with full coverage.

Those receivers are really good but they lack many of the above features too. 

What about things like a noise blanker, computer control port or DSP?  

73 de Jim, N2EY

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