The answer to your question is simple.  My "expectation" was based upon what Elecraft told us back then.  Whether I had any right to believe it or not, Elecraft advertised their products as having long term support because the design of the radio was modular and subassemblies could be replaced as they were superceded by newer designs, failed, or were damaged.

I'm not complaining because the K4 and other radios have features that the K3 does not.  My K3 currently works fine, but if the fragile KIO3 board fails my K3 will become useless for serious contesting.  I'm complaining because Elecraft simply decided not to honor the support promises they made in their advertising back when I bought the radio.  It was a decision they purposefully made, and obviously not one forced upon them by parts shortages or any other such excuse because they offered a final run of units to anyone who wanted to buy one ... either in addition to what they had or on contingency against future loss.

You have twisted this thread to one of no further improvements when the concern is lack of support for existing gear.  There is a difference of about 50 years between your old GTO and my K3.  As I stated earlier, Elecraft could at least assist some third party to take over the functions they no longer want to provide, but they have shown no apparent inclination to do so.

Dave   AB7E

On 4/21/2022 1:54 PM, Rick NK7I wrote:
Seriously mislead?  Really?  Or was it unrealistic expectations (depending on when you bought too).

Does the K3 meet your current and expected needs NOW, while it is working?  Then enjoy it.  Buy parts as you can to repair or upgrade it; listed weekly on most email lists; at a discount cost (for now).

There is NO reason for that to change, but your needs might.

e.g. Say in 2008 (when the K3 came out), you bought a new large screen LCD TV (circa $3,000 US).  Would you complain now that it doesn't have wifi, has no streaming, isn't in 4K and cannot be repaired?  Or would you relegate it to the guest room (or e-cycle) and move on?

Or a computer (those were Pentium days, barely I-x chips were available); or any other piece of timely technology?  They still run, but try adding more memory or other parts now.

The BEST cell phone I ever owned, was a Motorola 'bag phone'; no streaming, texting, video etc features, it was a near flawless analog PHONE.  Then the cell world shifted to digital and it was worthless.  Was I mislead to buy that?

That answer is no; we should expect technology to change and adapt over time, eventually fading away in usefulness.  That at some point, older products are no longer of useful value to most of the others, except collectors.

If it's still useful and meets your needs, I fail to see how you were mislead.  You did your research, bought the product chosen while knowing (that throughout history) at some point it would fail and repairs are no longer factory supported.  It was a good run, it's still useful now, as that line is ending.

You can't get factory parts for my old '64 GTO anymore either, at least not without a 'premium' cost.  (Wish I still had it too!)

I see the end of the K3 run as an opportunity for a start up repair shop; just like old car buffs and OLD radio folks manage to create.  One door closes, another opens.

Rick NK7I

On 4/21/2022 12:11 PM, David Gilbert wrote:

I bought my K3 for two reasons ... its performance and its modularity which promised long term support for upgrades and repair.  The performance is still near top notch, but I was seriously mislead on the long term support and if I ever buy another rig it won't be Elecraft.

Dave   AB7E

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