On Wed, 30 Aug 2006 11:02:12 -0400, H.Cary III wrote:

>Has anyone connected a RigBlaster with their K2 for SSTV or PSK-31?  If
>so, I'd like to contact you off-line as I have some questions.  I've
>wired the "pins" in the RigBlaster per the instructions for Elecraft and
>hooked it up to the computer properly but no luck receiving, etc.
>Thanks in advance for any help!

  I'm using a RigBlaster Plus with a K2 and MixW, and it's been
  trial-and-error to get it set up for data (PSK-31, etc).

  I would also be interested in what others had to say about the
  setup.  Did you get any replies to your posting above?  If so,
  please share them with us, if you can.

   73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane
   Elecraft K2/100   5402

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