On Mon, 04 Sep 2006 10:12:47 -0400, Michael E. Dobson wrote:

>Once you have receive working, the instructions supplied for the K2
>should work for transmitting but that will depend upon how you wired
>the microphone connector on your K2.  Make sure you have the
>RigBlaster jumpered so that the signals appear on the same pins as
>they do on your microphone.

  I have the RigBlaster connected to one computer serial port and
  the K2 connected to another for remote control via Ham Radio
  Deluxe.  The main question I have is if there is a better way
  to get the computer to trigger the transmiter than to use the

>The only problem I encountered was not being able to use the
>microphone through the RigBlaster due to hum on my audio.  I suspect
>this is a grounding issue caused in part by not having the
>microphione jack in the K2 grounded  in my version, S/N 2221.  Next
>time I open it up for mods, it is my To Do list.

  I have a much later K2 and have had no reports about hum.

   73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane
   Elecraft K2/100   s/n 5402

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