Hello all;

I push on a CW "filter" and it does the same thing!
I also press attenuate with same results!

Unh? Noise blanker and/or filter does same thing?

Because filters and NB may "appear" to remove atmospheric noise, but it's still there, because it's attenuated. (There's a little more to that but not here)

Noise blankers work more effectively on man-made noise such as automobiles, lights, motors, hair dryers (pulse type noise) etc.
Not atmospheric noises.

after you did that, you probably had to turn up the volume a bit like I did.
It make for easier listening though.

Regardless, I love me K1.

Ron, wb1hga

W.D. (Doc) Lindsey wrote:

evening here on 30Metres, and the QRN seemed incessant, I [probably]
accidentally pushed the NB button on a K2.  And suddenly the noise all but
disappeared.  Since then I have come to use it regularly, as there seems to
be a whole lot of QRN here in the tiny subdivision.  But the NB will
normally knock it down to listenable levels.

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