A few months ago I maintained a brief correspondence with some on this list with an interest in a homebrew balanced autotuner. The project is nearing the point where I will be installing it into a K2 case. At the moment, though, I am having trouble coming up with a software algorithm that finds minimum swr and this message is a request for suggestions.

I have found that it is not as easy as I had imagined. I have been using several methods to automatically find minimum swr and some work pretty well most of the time but none work well *all* of the time. The problem is that on some bands minimum swr occurs over a very narrow range of C and L. With either C or L are set only a little off of these optimum values any change in C or L will have *no* effect on measured swr.

I have used complex algorithms that vary step size, vary C and L values intelligently with either positive or negative changes in value. I have used simple algorithms that stupidly go through an entire range of possibilities of all values of L for every C and so forth (ugh!) ... and have to believe there is someone out there in Elecraft-land a lot more clever than I who can suggest ways to intelligently find best combinations of L and C quickly using measured swr as the criteria.

It really does not matter a great deal if I never perfect the autotuning feature of the tuner. It is easy to manually tune the tuner, store L and C for every band segment in nonvolatile memory, and then let the tuner automatically switch to the proper values when it senses the frequency at the input. But I can't call it an autotuner if it doesn't tune well automatically can I? Perfectionist that I am I would like to make it autotune like it is supposed to.

Any ideas?

Don  K7FJ


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