Chris, I'm a 99.9% CW op, too, and find myself working weak signal
stuff mostly, and mostly on 40M. I find the KDSP2 an invaluable tool.
I also have the KNB2, and it's effective on some noise, but I rarely
use it.

You have to hear the difference between a very weak signal on and off
the DSP. It's amazing. Without it, you can just barely tell there's
someone in the noise. With the DSP activated, that signal often
becomes completely copyable. Sounds like an exaggeration but it's not.

I'm sure there's probably a K2/DSP combo nearer to you than I (I'm in
Santa Cruz) but if you ever want to hear the difference, feel free to
stop by and we can pull some weak signals out so you can hear the

True, there is a "processed" sound to the signals when you get
aggressive with the DSP, but I'll take that any day over not being
able to copy the signal at all.

And I find that the stock crystal filters + the DSP make a great combination.


Jeff N6GQ

On 3/29/07, Chris Kantarjiev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does this combination make sense? I operate 100% CW. These days, I seem
to be chasing a lot of very weak signals with questionable readability.
My vertical isn't the quietest of antennas (they never are) and my
neighborhood has a fair amount of QRM on 40m during "real people hours".

For example, this morning I was trying to get KH2/JR4GPA. Copying his
sign was very tough, but I finally got it and confirmed it. I called
a couple of times but realized that I wouldn't recognize my call even
if he returned it! Just on the egde of ESP.

So ... would AF or DSP help me in this situation? The noise blanker
doesn't seem to do much good for the noise sources my neighbors provide.


73 de chris K6DBG
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