Good luck Fred.

Getting something like this to change is like pulling teeth.  People
have gotten very used to this old-style system.

For the list to change format, Elecraft would just have to do it.  If
they said that the old system was too costly and the new one was they
way they were going, we'd all just follow along and things would be
fine.  Some features would be lost, many others gained and we'd all be
happy in 6 months.

Ask for consensus and you'll have opinions all over the place with no
agreement.  Some of my hobby stuff is on e-mail lists like this.  Others
are on forum style systems.  I prefer the latter but I can deal with

- Keith N1AS -
- K2 5411.ssb.100 -

-----Original Message-----

I'm proposing it is way past about time, for Elecraft Inc. to create and
support an "Elecraft Message Board"
for all its many customers and fans.  IMHO - this REFLECTOR thing - is
about 10 years out of date, and an antique.  

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