Fred (FL) wrote:
I'm proposing it is way past about time, for Elecraft
Inc. to create and support an "Elecraft Message Board"
for all its many customers and fans.  IMHO -
this REFLECTOR thing - is about 10 years out of date,
and an antique.

This is a complaint that keeps popping up, like a gopher on a golf course.

*NONE* of the clever web-based solutions for "forums", "message boards" etc. is a good a solution for this type of discussion as the old-fashioned reflector. Why?

1) No matter how fast your internet connection is, the process of navigation and reading messages in such a system is slower than an email client like Thunderbird or Outlook Express. You cannot get away from the net and server overhead. Glancing at a post to see if I want to pay attention to it takes a fraction of a second.

2) Many of us do not dedicate time to reading Elecraft messages; we simply deal with them as part of our regular email usage. For example, part of my job is doing technical support for users of a product. I also belong to several discussion groups for political subjects, etc. I get tons of mail. By using a basic email client I can quickly scan the hundred emails or so in my inbox and attend to the high-priority ones first. It is an extremely efficient use of my time.

3) You can set up folders in a basic email client that alow you to file saved messages and sort and search them in the most convenient way for you personally. Web-based systems can barely approach the same functionality, they are harder to use and are SLOOOOOW!

The old-fashioned reflector is efficient, appropriate technology. It is a perfect tool for the job at hand. Don't fix what isn't broken!
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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