Rework Eliminators - They're great provided you are willing to spend the
time to make sure they get installed right.  They represent a departure
from the normal build process and if you mess things up, then debugging
may be tougher.  I went with them, and was careful.  I had only one bad
solder joint and the rig worked just fine.  I love my rework eliminators
as they've allowed me to plug and unplug various options at will.

Prewound toroids.  I like building but winding toroids is something I
chose to not do.  I went with prewound toroids on all my Elecraft kits
and highly recommend them.  They are done in a very professional way.

Tools I found useful:
  - Magnifying ring light
  - Circuit board vise
  - anti-static mat grounded to the outlet ground screw.

I did not do an inventory ... until I got to the caps.  There are a lot
of them and they're easy to confuse.  I spread them all out and put them
in piles.  Getting them all out helped me separate the small differences
and correctly ID the various types.  I arranged the piles so I could
easily find the part I needed.

- Keith N1AS -
- K2 5411.ssb.100 - 

-----Original Message-----

Are there tools or tips I am missing before I drop the coin?
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