Hello all,

I have just finished K2 # 6177 and with all HF bands to my disposal, I am looking for a more convenient way to feed my doublet wire antenna with open feeder. My shack is in the dining room (my wife is very forgiving) and the antenna feed-in is on the window sil at the opposite side of the room. Hence I use 6 metre coax to get there.

Has anyone tried a K2 and KAT2 fed into a substantial length of 50 ohm coax
with a choke balun mounted at the other end, connected to an open line
feeder? So far I have used a manual balanced tuner on the window sil, but
that implies getting up and walking to the tuner when changing bands.

Thank you in advance,

Roelof Bakker, pa0rdt
G-QRP-C 6019
Middelburg, Netherlands

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