I've gotten used to the "pretested" "pre-created PCB"
and samo samo set of K3 parts and components and
PCB's and ............. in the K3 kit version.

I learned long time ago there are no dumb questions,
only poor souls who won't ask them.

I was hoping the front panel, and "control pcb
and display board" if there is one - are pre-made
and like all the other K3 boards,  tested and
checked out to some Elecraft K3 standard.  As much
as we all like the smell of solder - seems to me,
the majority of problems with the K2 has always
been dumb or inept construction soldering and
component mistakes.  So if I have to pay bigger bucks
for a better transceiver, and still not get 2m or
440 - I'd much rather get as much pre-tested
stuff, as the Elecraft principles think we
can handle.  I want to end up with samo
and samo - as the "finishied K3" guys and

My dad, W2PZW from the spark 20's days, was
color blind.  He couldn't get an early days
electronics job with the NBC radio companies
of those days because of his visual problem.
But I suspect he could have bought the K3 kit, and
ended up with a fully functional transceiver.

I'm not sure how dense the K3 is, it doesn't
appear too daunting - but if Icom had decided
to have hams build the IC-7000 from parts
as a solder-kit, I can imagine the success
and failure stories.

......chomping, chomping
de, Fred N3CSY
waters of the St. Lawrence
5 Sept

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