On Thu, Sep 20, 2007 at 07:54:38AM -0700, Darwin, Keith wrote:

> A very quiet band, very little noise.

Using a beverage to the SouthWest - and yes - the band was quiet,
but part of this is the "context" filter in the K3.  It really 

> A weak nearly subliminal signal.

Yup - that's him.  I can clearly hear him sending "TR?" once and then 
"N6TA" but suspect the dit was lost in the rapid QSB.  

> A rough sounding sidetone (hum on the sidetone).
> Tree, I can copy you just fine, but the 3B7C station I'm catching only a
> fragment of a letter here and there.  I'll assume the rough sound was an
> issue with your recording setup (RF into the sound card?) or something
> and is not indicative of the K3's sidetone.

That's RF getting into my audio equipment - this was recorded using a 
computer's sound card and I have some RF issues.  What I hear in the 
headphones has none of that. 

Here is what the sidetone really sounds like (using the handy TX TEST 
feature of the K3 that disables output, but lets you oterwise "transmit"):


> Oh, BTW, congrats on working him on 160 meters!!!

THANKS!! Last night, I worked a dozen Europeans as well - so this band is
in fine shape very early in the season.

73 Tree N6TR
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