On Thu, Sep 20, 2007 at 07:28:31PM +0100, David Cutter wrote:

> What were your filter settings?  Sounds like a couple of hundred hertz.

So - the filter I was using is something like this:

150 hertz in the center of the passband.  This has a rather sharp cutout, but
only goes down something like 10 or 15 db to the second filter.

The second filter is wider - 400 hz.  Which matches the roofing filter.

This is the context filter I keep talking about.  It really seems to 
help my ears cut down on the noise - but still leaving some of the 
energy outside the passband which I believe is useful in weak signal
work (ask a moonbouncer what filter they prefer to use - and most of 
them will tell you an SSB filter).  

Also - if you are listening in stereo - your are experiencing one of
the audio effects that have been programmed into the DSP.  It is delaying
the sound in one ear slightly to the other ear - and to my ear, this
makes copying signals easier.  This feature is going to be improved 
with some fancy work to spread the frequencies across the stereo 
spectrum (binaural audio) - and of course, if you get the second RX
board, you can use it for diversity reception which will really help
get those missing dits at the end of your callsign as the signal 
experiences QSB.  :-)

> I give 599 in contests just as an "acknowledgement of reception", as I 
> would call it.  Do dx stations prefer "real" reports or is 599 adequate?  
> On the rare occasions I have been dx, I preferred real reports, but it's a 
> matter of personal preference I guess.

Ah - I knew this would get asked as some point.  DX-pedition stations 
prefer a 599 report as they don't have to do anything to change the
entry in their computer.  They get tired after many hours of operating
field day style and anything to conserve energy is a good thing.  This
includes only sending 599 so they don't expend the mental energy
of computing a signal report and trying to get it logged correctly.

I am sure there are those on this list who feel this is not what 
Hiram had in mind - but it is the way the game is played, for better 
or worse.  The point of this recording wasn't to provide a spark for
a debate about DX-pedition operating technique - but rather to give 
a sample of what the K3 sounds like.

I'll try to post some more sound files from an upcoming European opening
on 160 for y'all.

73 Tree N6TR
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