On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 03:15:06PM -0400, hank k8dd wrote:
> Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
> >
> >Among other issues, most software and many interface hardware now 
> >implement PTT in CW.  Any radio that is unable to deal with PTT 
> >is a significant problem for the user who often does not understand 
> >why his new rig does not work properly since his previous rig worked 
> >fine. 
> >
> >73, 
> >
> >   ... Joe, W4TV
> I certainly hope that the PTT function on CW did not end up
> getting lost in the K3 & QSK thread. 
> That is the one major thing that I miss on the K2 - the ability
> to use PTT with contest programs! 

This works very well on the K3.  Even has a phono jack for the PTT input 
on the rear panel.

73 Tree
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