WARNING! 6 meters is addicitive! Once you work an E opening you will be hooked for life.

You have received a lot of good info on 6 already. I will not repeat it. Chasing grid squares is a lot of fun. You have several interesting propagation modes on 6.

Meteor scatter

sproadic e

tropospheric ducting

All of these produce some significant openings. The apparent randomness of the openings is why 6 is refered to as the "Magic Band" (IMHO). I have worked into europe with a dipole and 100 watts (cw & ssb) from EL29lm (Houston, TX) as well as 38 states!

Good luck,

Robie - AJ4F

----- Original Message ----- From: "Darwin, Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <elecraft@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 7:14 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] 6 meters - need info (OT?)

This relates to my consideration of purchasing a K3.

I know NOTHING about 6 meters.  I'm an HF op who does CW and some SSB.
What I believe about 6 meters comes from my (limited) experience on 10
meters.  I'm expecting that 6 is mostly closed but has occasional
openings, provided you're not at a sunspot low.  I'm assuming the
successful 6 meter operator has to be watching propagation and has to
pick their operating time.  I assume it is a hit or miss band and that
you don't have any fun up there unless you put in the time and happen to
catch it when it is open.  I'm assuming the same effort put into to 10
meters would produce more QSOs.

Like I say, I know NOTHING.  Someone please educate me.  If you're reply
is long, e-mail me off-list since this topic is mostly OT.

keith.darwin (dit-dah  dah) goodrich.com


- Keith N1AS -
- K2 5411.ssb.100 -
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