But I need some enlightenment. In reading the FAQ's concerning the AGC parameters of the K3, I found the following discussion:

"Are the settings variable in terms of attack, hang, and decay? In the menu, you can set the following parameters for AGC: Attack time, Hold (Hang) time, Decay rate (in dB/sec for Fast and Slow), Threshold, and Slope. Slope sets the compression you get from AGC, whether you like everything above the threshold to be flat (S4 and 40 over S9 are the same level) or some sort of slope (2:1, 10:1 whatever) so stronger signals are somewhat louder."

In the User Manual under the program menus on page 50, I only see
adjustable AGC paramenters for Hold, Pulse and Slope.  Nothing on
adjusting the 'attack time', 'decay rate' or 'threshold'.

Did I miss something elsewhere in the manual or am I misinterpreting

The other parameters were there in early beta versions of the firmware, but were removed for production. I believe (but you will have to get this from the horse's mouth) that it was found possible to optimize these settings, so they didn't need to be adjustable.

I know, for example, that the attack time was originally adjustable so that you could set it to ignore short noise pulses. But since then, the AGC Pulse function was implemented to deal with this, and so the attack can be as short as possible for best performance.
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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