To stick my 2p worth in here and not that I'm knowledgeable about this or
want to change them, but ...
Could you put in a config menu item that turns on/off the possibility of
changing them, so default state is off and it uses your settings Wayne.

If the state is changed to on, another 4 menu items (or whatever) become
active and start with the default state until someone changes them. From
that point, when this menu item is on, it uses the setting from the
operator, when off it uses default settings, but remembers the setting
applied by the op and goes back to them if the menu item is turned on again?

On 11/10/07 23:39, "wayne burdick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

> Don Rasmussen wrote:
>> I don't know about anyone else, but I bought K3 based on being able to
>> adjust these (5) things.
> Don,
> It was my decision to remove them, for the reasons given below. It's
> trivial to add them back in, but debatable as to whether it's a good
> idea. I'm open to discussion. Perhaps we could put them back in along
> with cautions in the manual.
> Please send me a description of how you would use the controls, i.e.
> the qualitative effects you have in mind or specific decay values
> you've used before, etc. I'd like to evaluate how your needs differ
> from the nominal settings already present.
> Here's my reasoning for removing some of the controls:
> 1. Months of field testing revealed that our testers -- despite a wide
> variety of operating styles -- barely ever changed any of the settings
> except flatness and hold (hang) time.
> 2. Some combinations of settings can end up being very confusing,
> except for the advanced and/or experimentally inclined operator who can
> recognize the side effects. This has been endlessly played out on some
> of our competitors' rigs. I had sought to avoid such difficulties once
> it became clear that there was such a small range in use by our
> testers.
> 3. Some settings can compromise the performance not just of AGC, but
> that of other functions, as well (e.g., DSP noise blanking and AGC
> pulse detection/removal).
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR
If all our misfortunes were laid in one common heap whence everyone must
take an equal portion, most people would be contented to take their own and
-Socrates (469?-399 B.C.)

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