"However, all three changes could have been
incorporated in the K3 for pennies in parts instead of
requiring user modifications or add on boxes with just
a little market research beyond the tight-knit group
of insiders who do not push the operating envelope." 

That seems to be the knock whenever one of the
FT1000MP or IC756Pro features or connections does not
find the same implementation on the K3. 

Where's the band scope, the band stacking registers,
the physical SIZE ??? ;-)

I'm not sure it's fair to go toe to toe with Japan
Inc. on every specific feature ever put into an
FT1000MP, while at the same time expecting the kind of
innovation that's in the K3. 

I'd suggest that Elecraft probably spent as much time
engineering the K3 for their original fan base at
milliwatt levels as they did to provide QRO

I promise you some fanatic is going to take the K3
camping in their backpack. Tree huggers - sigh.  ;-)

The beauty of the reflector, and the two guys, is that
you can ask and be 100% assured that you are being

73, Don.

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